5.29. Spring in Seagate

Healing, Wolves, Dwarves, Swords, and Demons

5.29.1. Spring in Seagate: Part 1: Healing, Wolves, and Explosions

After the chase through the sewers to the hidden magical workroom imprisoning the demon, Balour Shaw collapsed, and his condition continued to worsen. Winther stabilized Gim's leg, but could not heal it. When they looked for other healers it became apparent that none were left in the city: some had died, others had been killed, others had just plain disappeared. Eventually a dwarf (one of those the party had rescued from the Crypts of Stonesboro) came and told them of Mordraug, a powerful healer who lived at the head of the Wolf River, in the mountains below the Sweet Riding. Gim, Cormac, Jamie, Basgoot, Shay Uvall, and Balour Shaw went to Mordraug's Lair to get Gim and Balour Shaw healed, meeting Karl Bluetooth (an unsavory wilderness guide) and lots of wolves along the way.

Once there they found that Mordraug was a necromancer as well as healer, and probably undead as well. His price for healing Gim and Balour Shaw and telling each of the characters something of great value was a month of their lives. Some halfhearted haggling ensued, but they finally agreed with the proviso that they would also receive a five point powerstone. The next morning they woke to find Gim and Balour Shaw were healed, though Balour Shaw was still asleep, and notes written in their own handwriting placed beside them. When they got back to civilization they found out that a month had passed. The evening before they reached Seagate Balour Shaw awoke, told them they had imperiled their souls by dealing with Mordraug, were stupid for bringing him back to Seagate, and that they had to protect Carzala now, he had more important things to do.

They returned to Seagate to found out that that their house had been blown up and burned down in their absence and those they had left behind were nowhere to be found.

Magic.  During this adventure Mordraug gave Gim, Cormac, Jamie, Basgoot, and Shay Uvall five point powerstones.


This adventure was gamed on the 26th of December, 1992.

5.29.2. Spring in Seagate: Part 2: Dwarves, Swords, and Demons

After they find their exploded house, a squad of the count's guards marched up to take them to the count. Just a few minutes behind them came a group of the Baron of Seagate's city guards; there was a tense standoff for a few moments, but eventually the city guard backed down, and off the party went to see the count.

The count was infuriated with them: there had been too many violent events lately around the party, including attempts to burn their ships (which did burn a nearby wharf), etc. Local opinion blamed the party for many of the other recent troubles, so the count gave the party an ultimatum: in four weeks they had to be out of Seagate and Carzala, and they could not return until the count was no longer angry with them and mood of the city had turned in their favor again.[27] After being told this they were ushered from the Castle by the guards.

After the guards left, they heard Derenedeth's voice coming from a nearby sewer entrance. He directed them to stable their horses at a livery stable where he would meet them. From there he leds them through the sewers, where they were followed by a small shadow that turned out, eventually, to be Kalo Bibkins. Along the way they were trapped between beggars driving giant rats for dinner and Skaven coming to fight for their brethren. They turned themselves invisible, hid in a side passage, collapsed part of the tunnel on the skaven and beggars, and in the ensuing confusion they escaped.

Eventually they got to the the mage's workroom under the city where the party had fought the imprisoned demon. There the returning characters found the rest of the characters, who were very confused when asked what was going on, for the returning characters had warned the other characters to leave the house before the explosion,[28] and they have been hiding in the sewers since then. The party decided to buy the house above the workroom so they would have a bolt-hole in times of trouble. They stayed at a good inn for the rest of the month they were in Seagate.

Basgoot continued acting strange and moody, often vanishing and reappearing at strange times. Cormac, Shay, and Basgoot interviewed mercenaries for guards for the road, with occasional advice from Gerrod. Gim, Winther, and Jamie interviewed laborers and support personnel for the road building. The dwarves working on Ilene's tower agreed to work for the party on part of the road. Tesla continued overseeing the trading company. Winther retired to the lab and produced stinks and smokes. Tesla embarked on a series of magical and surgical repairs which soon moved beyond the realm of repairs.

Basgoot fled Seagate on the morning of 23 Ubard 849 in the company of Evan and an unknown dwarf. This was the morning the party was scheduled to discuss plans with the count. The party only knew that Basgoot and Evan had disappeared until after the meeting when Derenedeth reported with the news. Jamie visited his contacts in the Thieves Guild[29] and returned with the news that the dwarf was Bolg, a bad character and had abducted one footpad who attacked him on his way out, and killed another.

Gim, Cormac, Jamie, Shay Uvall, and Winther chased Basgoot, Evan, and Bolg to Mordraug's Lair, where Basgoot, Bolg, and Mordraug reforged Narung with the help of an unknown wizard/swordsmith. As part of the process, Narung's demon was released from the sword and the party had to keep it away from the sorcerers while they cast the spell to reimprisoned it. To do this the characters flew around a lot until Basgoot with everyone's help impaled the Demon in the eye with Narung as sorcerers finished casting the spell.

When Basgoot impaled the Demon and the sorcerers finished the spell the Demon screamed so loud it knocked everyone down and then was sucked into Narung. Basgoot hesitated a moment then chopped Mordraug's head off. Bolggave off a fiendish, joyous laugh and immediately attacked Basgoot, struggling with him for Narung and nearly killed the Demon-torn warrior. Shay Entombed Bolg, and Jamie, thinking quickly, got five fingers cut off (three on one hand, two on the other) but prevented Narung from being Entombed with Bolg. Luckily, Winther Restored them, although Jamie would not be able to use them for a month. Basgoot became more nearly normal in appearance, though he still had Narung. The party fled Mordraug's Lair as it collapsed around them. Evan left the party soon thereafter (in disgust?) and wandered south through the mountains. The party made it back to Seagate and had to leave the very next day, 10 Silemore 849, on the first day of their temporary exile.


This adventure was gamed on the 31st of December, 1992, or on the 2nd of January, 1993.

[27] Although it wasn't mentioned in the original notes, they actually got permission to leave Tesla behind to look after their business and house(s) in Seagate.

[28] There was not time to get anything but what each character had on them out of the house.

[29] I think on the way Jamie was attacked by his double, and that the being who reported back to the party claimed to be Jamie and claimed that both Jamie and the double survived.