Notes for the WVHTCF 50 Fathoms Campaign
Notes for the WVHTCF 50 Fathoms Campaign
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2021-08-09 12:03:18
We're playing Pinnacle Entertainment Games's 50 Fathoms plot point setting using the Savage Worlds system. (The Test Drive gives you most of the Savage Worlds rules for free.)
We're using the Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition for our main rule book.
We're using any of the edges and hindrances from Pirates of the Spanish Main (also known as PotSM) and some of the updated ship rules as well.
We're using the Knowledge (Navigation) skill from PotSM for navigation (instead of 50 Fathoms's Boating), but using the Boating skill for all other ship handling.
Ships wishing to sell found treasure need a 1000$ Salvage license.
Privateers get a bounty of 50% of the value of a lawfully captured prize.
(In unusual circumstances, head money may be offered.)
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