Ada Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers
The Ada Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers is available on the web, but I don't think that there is a PDF copy anywhere easily found, so I'm making a copy available here. This is the style guide for Ada 83, by the way. I got it from the Ada Information Clearinghouse. I downloaded the file into a temporary directory and then ran the shell script to create the PDF file:
#! /usr/bin/env bash # First, unzip Then, in another directory, unzip all six of # those zip files. Then do the following: set -x mkdir tmp && cd tmp && unzip -L ../ && mkdir tmp && cd tmp && for i in ../*.zip; do unzip -L $i; done && for i in *.ps; do ps2pdf $i $(basename $i .ps).pdf; done && qpdf --empty -pages covers.pdf 1-3 -- covers_fixed.pdf && pdfunite covers_fixed.pdf preface.pdf ack.pdf toc.pdf intro.pdf source_c.pdf readabil.pdf prog_str.pdf prog_pra.pdf concurr.pdf portabil.pdf reuse.pdf performa.pdf complete.pdf appendix.pdf ref.pdf bib_0188.pdf index.pdf 83style.pdf
Note the qpdf command? That pulls out the first three pages of covers.pdf, because the other pages duplicate stuff that is in the other .pdf files.
Then I read through the PDF and made a bookmarks file for use with jpdfbookmarks (I use one of the releases from this github repo):
Ada Quality and Style/1 Cover 1/1 Cover 2/2 Preface/4 Authors and Acknowledgements/6 Contents/8 Chapter 1: Introduction/10 1.1 How to use this book/11 1.2 To the new Ada programmer/11 1.3 To the experienced Ada programmer/12 1.4 To the software project manager/12 1.5 to contracting agencies and standards organizations/13 Chapter 2: Source Code Presentation/14 2.1 Code formatting/14 2.1.1 Horizontal spacing/14 2.1.2 Indentation/15 2.1.3 Alignment of operators/18 2.1.4 Alignment of declarations/19 2.1.5 More on alignmeent/20 2.1.6 Blank lines/21 2.1.7 Pagination/22 2.1.8 Number of statements per line/23 2.1.9 Source code line length/24 2.2 Summary/24 Chapter 3: Readability/26 3.1 Spelling/26 3.1.1 Use of underscores/26 3.1.2 Numbers/26 3.1.3 Capitalization/27 3.1.4 Abbreviations/28 3.2 Naming conventions/29 3.2.1 Names/29 3.2.2 Type names/29 3.2.3 Object names/30 3.2.4 Program unit names/31 3.2.5 Constants and named numbers/32 3.3 Comments/33 3.3.1 General comments/34 3.3.2 File headers/35 3.3.3 Program unit specification header/35 3.3.4 Program unit body header/38 3.3.5 Data comments/39 3.3.6 Statement comments/41 3.3.7 Marker comments/43 3.4 Using types/44 3.4.1 Declaring types/44 3.4.2 Enumeration types/45 3.5 Summary/46 Chapter 4: Program Structure/50 4.1 High level structure/50 4.1.1 Separate compilation capabilities/50 4.1.2 Subprograms/51 4.1.3 Functions/52 4.1.4 Packages/53 4.1.5 Cohesion/53 4.1.6 Data coupling/54 4.1.7 Tasks/54 4.2 Visibility/55 4.2.1 Minimization of interfaces/55 4.2.2 Nested packages/56 4.2.3 Restricting visibility/56 4.2.4 Hiding tasks/57 4.3 Exceptions/59 4.3.1 Using exceptions to help define an abstraction/59 4.4 Summary/61 Chapter 5: Programming Practices/64 5.1 Optional parts of the syntax/64 5.1.1 Loop names/64 5.1.2 Block names/65 5.1.3 Exit statements/66 5.1.4 Naming end statemnts/66 5.2 Parameter lists/67 5.2.1 Formal parameters/67 5.2.2 Named association/67 5.2.33 Default parameters/68 5.2.4 Mode indication/69 5.3 Types/69 5.3.1 Derived types and subtypes/69 5.3.2 Anonymous types/71 5.3.3 Private types/71 5.4 Data structures/72 5.4.1 Heeterogeneous data/72 5.4.2 Nested records/73 5.4.3 Dynamic data/74 5.5 Expressions/75 5.5.1 Range values/75 5.5.2 Array attributes/76 5.5.3 Parenthetical expressions/76 5.5.4 Positive forms of logic/77 5.5.5 Short circuit forms of the logical operators/77 5.5.6 Accuracy of operations with real operands/78 5.6 Statements/78 5.6.1 Nesting/78 5.6.2 Slices/80 5.6.3 Case statements/80 5.6.4 Loops/81 5.6.5 Exit statements/82 5.6.6 Recursion and iteration bounds/83 5.6.8 Return statements/84 5.6.9 Blocks/85 5.6.10 Aggregates/86 5.7 Visibility/86 5.7.1 The use clause/87 5.7.2 The renames clause/88 5.7.3 Overloaded subprograms/88 5.7.4 Overloaded operators/89 5.7.5 Overloading the equality operator/89 5.8 Using exceptions/89 5.8.1 Handling versus avoiding exceptions/90 5.8.2 Handlers for others/90 5.8.3 Propagation/91 5.8.4 Localizing the causes of an exception/91 5.9 Erroneous Execution/92 5.9.1 Unchecked conversion/92 5.9.2 Unchecked deallocation/93 5.9.3 Dependeence on parameter passing mechanism/93 5.9.4 Multiple address clauses/94 5.9.5 Suppression of exception check/94 5.9.6 Initialization/94 5.9.7 Direct_IO and Sequential_IO/95 5.9.8 Incorrect order dependencies/96 5.10 Summary/96 Chapter 6: Concurrency/100 6.1 Tasking/100 6.1.1 Tasks/100 6.1.2 Anonymous task types/101 6.1.3 Dynamic tasks/102 6.1.4 Prioritis/103 6.1.5 Delay statements/104 6.2 Commmunication/105 6.2.1 Effecient task communications/105 6.2.2 Defensive task communication/106 6.2.3 Attributes 'Count, 'Callable, and 'Terminated/108 6.2.4 Shared variables/109 6.2.5 Tenative rendezvous constructs/111 6.2.6 Commmunication complexity/112 6.3 Termination/113 6.1.1 Avoiding termination/113 6.3.2 Normal termination/114 6.3.3 The abort statement/115 6.3.4 Abnormal termination/115 6.4 Summary/116 Chapter 7: Portability/118 7.1 Fundamentals/119 7.1.1 Global assumptions/119 7.1.2 Actual limits/120 7.1.3 Comments/120 7.1.4 Main subprogram/121 7.1.5 Encapsulating implementation dependencies/121 7.1.6 Implementation-added features/122 7.2 Numeric types and expressions/122 7.2.1 Predefined numeric types/122 7.2.2 Ada model/123 7.2.3 Analysis/123 7.2.4 Accuracy Constraints/124 7.2.5 Comments/124 7.2.6 Precision of constants/124 7.2.7 Subexpression evaluation/124 7.2.8 Relational tests/124 7.3 Storage control/125 7.3.1 Representation clause/125 7.4 Tasking/126 7.4.1 Task activation order/126 7.4.2 Delay statements/126 7.4.3 Package Calendar, type Duration, and System.Tick/126 7.4.4 Select statement evaluation ordr/126 7.4.5 Task scheduling algorithm/127 7.4.6 Abort/127 7.4.7 Shared variables and pragma shared/127 7.5 Exceptions/127 7.5.1 Predefined exceptions/127 7.5.2 Constraint_Error and Numeric_Error/128 7.5.3 Implementation-defined exceptions/128 7.6 Representationi clauses and implementation dependent features/128 7.6.1 Representation clauses/129 7.6.2 Package System/129 7.6.3 Machine code inserts/129 7.6.4 Interfacing Foreign Languages/130 7.6.5 Implementation-defined pragmas and attributes/130 7.6.6 Unchecked deallocation/130 7.6.7 Unchecked conversion/131 7.7 Input/output/131 7.7.1 Name and Form parameters/132 7.7.2 File closing/132 7.7.3 I/O on access types/132 7.7.4 Package Low_Level_IO/132 7.8 Summmary/133 Chapter 8: Reusability/136 8.1 Understanding and clarity/137 8.1.1 Application-independent naming/137 8.1.2 Abbreviations/138 8.1.3 Generic formal parameters/139 8.2 Robustness/139 8.2.1 Named numbers/139 8.2.2 Unconstrained arrays/140 8.2.3 Assumptions/140 8.2.4 Subtypes in generic specifications/141 8.2.5 Overloading in generic units/143 8.2.6 Hidden tasks/143 8.2.7 Exceptions/143 8.3 Adaptability/145 8.3.1 Complete functionality/145 8.3.2 Generic units/146 8.3.3 Using generic units to encapsulate algorithms/146 8.3.4 Using generic units for abstract data types/148 8.3.5 Iterators/151 8.3.6 Private and limited private types/154 8.4 Independence/156 8.4.1 Using generic parameters to reduce coupling/156 8.4.2 Coupling due to pragmas/157 8.4.3 Part families/158 8.4.4 Conditional compilation/158 8.4.5 Table-driven programming/159 8.5 Summary/160 Chapter 9: Performance/162 9.1 Improving exception speed/162 9.1.1 Pragma inline/162 9.1.2 Blocks/163 9.1.3 Arrays/163 9.1.4 Mod and rem operators/164 9.1.5 Constraint checking/164 9.2 Summmary/165 Chapter 10: Complete Examples/166 10.1 Menu-driven user interface/166 10.2 Line-oriented portablee dining philosophers example/174 10.3 Window-oriented portable dining philosophers example/179 Appendix A: Map from Ada Language Referencee Manual to Guidelines/188 References/194 Bibliography/198 Index/202
Then I ran another shell script,
#! /usr/bin/env bash jpdfbookmarks -f tmp/tmp/83style.pdf --apply 83style.bookmarks --out 83style.pdf
There is a PDF of the style guide for Ada 95 online, but the links to the other formats listed on the Ada 95 Documents page have bit rotted, alas.

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