Lacking Natural Simplicity

Random musings on books, code, and tabletop games.

Rushing Valley D&D, Session #8

Rushing Valley D&D, Session #8

Wednesday, 30 December 2009


2021-08-09 12:01:01

This is an actual play report from the “Rushing Valley” Dungeons and Dragons campaign. These actual play reports are available in html feeds from T.K.B.'s blog and from P.D.F.'s RPG forum's Rushing Valley Campaign History forum.


(Probably) Clockwise round the table, starting with the DM at 6 o'clock:

  • P.D.F. as DM

  • T.K.B. playing Droston a'Seamus

  • B.MC. playing Polonius, Onchu's rowdy young cousin from Riverton

  • M.A.F. playing Bartha

  • C.A.H. playing Onchu

Unfortunately, J.H. had too many time commitments to continue with the campaign. We hope he'll return later.


Eirnin stayed behind to help evacuate the village, while Onchu, Bartha, Polonius, and Droston determined to continue the quest for the Elves.

Actual Play

Evening of July 29

Droston lay sorely wounded.

Brock confirmed that the dwarven ruins dated from the last time the goblin Horde descended upon the land. That war lasted until almost no one on either side was left.

Brock went off to town on his pony to get dwarven powder to blow up the bridge. When he returned [Was on the night of 29th or was it not until the next day, the 30th?], he had Whaler in bag, and told us that the little maggot had been caught stealing. Bartha immediately began indignant protestations, but the rest of us reluctantly convinced Brock that — regardless of Whaler's character flaws — he was a friend of the Lady of the Valley and our guide to the next stage in our perilous quest, so Brock eventually threw the bag to Bartha, with a warning about what Whaler could expect if he was caught thieving again.

Droston, meanwhile, drifted in and out of consciousness. Luckily, Brock had brought some Dwarven elixir. It had quite a kick, but after drinking it Droston was feeling fine. And it healed him, too.

July 30

To get to the elves, we have to travel through some caverns infested by evil goblinoids, to find a long passage in the underdark that will bring us to the elves, who can help us drive the goblinoids back through the Chasm.

Somebody [Brock, or Whaler?] told us:

Durgeddin, master smith, driven out of his caverns by hobgoblins, lead his folk south into the wilderness to new caverns, from which he planned to take the fight to the evil goblinoids. Unforutnately, that complex was also overrun, and Durgeddin vanished from history.

So, we needed to head southeast, back towards the goblinoid horde, and then take one of the ravines running south from the main river valley, following it up to the mountain, then up and over the saddle in the mountains, to the entrance to the caverns. Whaler promised to lead us there.

As we headed southeast along the river valley, we paralleled the road further up on the mountainside, in the forest. We soon found two goblin scouts approaching us, forerunners of a goblinoid caravan along the Stone Road. We hid, and the lower scout went past, but the upper one was too close, so Bartha attacked him and pinned him, and Droston hacked his throat out.

A short time later we hid from another scout. At some point it began to rain. We pushed on.

Later in the day we came to a place where the goblinoids had a large camp. They had cut down and burned or destroyed everything in the valley, from the river clear up the steep side of the valley. As we were crossing the camp [At a small stream coming down to join the river?] there was a mudslide on the wall of the valley which came crashing and splashing down the stream. Bartha made it across to solid ground and Droston made it back to solid ground, but both Onchu and Polonius were caught by the mudslide and were barely able to catch hold before they were washed over the cliff into the river. Droston was able to throw a rope to Polonius and pull him out and then together they pulled Onchu out. Bartha tied and untied ropes.

July 31 and August 1

Whaler warned us about an oncoming goblin scout, so we hid again until it went by.

August 2nd

We come to stream, rushing down to the river from the south-east, and that is the way we go. There is no road, and we continue traveling through the forest. Eventually we see a hill that looks like a tooth, with smoke from the hillside. There is a road that leads north east, which Whaler said goes back to the dwarven road in the river valley, but Whaler told us we have to follow the road up the hillside and over a saddle, to the entrance to the caverns on the other side of the hill. And then he fled as fast as his little wings could take him.

We follow the road up the saddle as fast and as quietly as we can, hoping to elude any watchers. Two hobgoblins were watching not far beyond the saddle. We came around the corner and everybody shot, killing one hobgoblin in the first round and the second hobgoblin in the second round. This got us 2 light crossbows with 20 bolts each, 2 long swords, good quality studded leather, and 2 light shields.

We could see that entrance to the caverns was up a small ravine in the hillside, with a door ajar at the far end. Droston snuck up to the open door, while the others came behind more slowly. They were attacked by archers behind slits in the rock. Droston flung the doors wide and yelled at the others to come quickly, and began loosing arrows at the two hobgoblins beyond the rope bridge over the chasm.

Here followed a long melee, with Polonius and Onchu fighting on the bridge. A hobgoblin pushes Polonius off the bridge, but Onchu grabs him. Bartha rushes the hobgoblin over the edge, but he grabs the bridge, but breaks, swinging them across the chasm and bashing them against the wall, 30 feet below. Two more [goblins, hobgoblins] approach from the other side. Everybody on the bridge trying to climb and fight. The hobgoblin and Polonius grapple, Bartha kills the hobgoblin, and [Polonius, Onchu] avoids the falling body.

The other goblinoids flee the room and bar the far door.

We end with Onchu and Polonius on one side of the chasm, and Bartha and Droston on the other side, next to the exit.


No XP were awarded this session.

Bartha was gravely wounded (3 WP).

sqlite implements table constraints

It's nice to see SQLite supports table constraints:

$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.6.19
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table t1
   ...> (k int,
   ...>  s int,
   ...>  e int,
   ...>  d int,
   ...>  constraint se_or_duration check
   ...>    ((s is not null and e is not null) or d is not null));
sqlite> insert into t1 values (1, 8, 4, null);
sqlite> insert into t1 values (2, null, null, 8);
sqlite> insert into t1 values (3, null, null, null);
SQL error: constraint failed

WVHTCF 50 Fathoms, Session #1: Shipwreck, Savages, and Giant Monkapes

WVHTCF 50 Fathoms, Session #1: Shipwreck, Savages, and Giant Monkapes




2021-08-09 12:00:50

This is an actual play report from the Savage Worlds 50 Fathoms plot point campaign from Pinnacle Entertainment Games. These actual play reports are available in html from T.K.B.'s blog.


Clockwise round the table, starting with the GM:

  • T.K.B. — GM

  • B.MC. — playing Azrulektos, a Kraken warrior/wizard

  • C.A.H. — playing Karl Kroc, a Masaquani treasure hunter and navigator

  • M.A.H. — playing Moorumah, a charming but rather dim Grael


M.A.H. contributed the following (lightly edited) actual play report.

Actual Play

After an extended character creation session (made longer due to C.A.H. being an HOUR late -- BAD C.A.H.), our 50 Fathoms campaign is off to a great start.

It all begins upon a ship, and with three particular sailors aboard. Azrulektos, a squidy-looking thing, could summon great skull-headed bolts of water and enjoys participating in Fight Club With Giant Creatures (one-on-one, of course). Then there is Karl, who looks almost human, except that both his hair and skin are some undefinable color, but let me tell you its a doozy of one. Karl is a Warrior, highly trained in the art of Shoot First And Spend Two Rounds Reloading Later. Finally, there is the lovable, but dumb-as-a-stone (and heavy as one too) Moorumah a walrus-looking being who speaks loudly (and innanely) and carries a very big club, and also occasinally trees. They are a lovable band of misfits (Azrulektos is Highly Curious, Moorumah has a Big Mouth, and Karl is equally Noticable, but in a way that I have forgotten).

Anyhoo, it all starts on a ship and with two elements. Fire and Water. A big storm made the water, and our inept now-deceased cook provided the fire. These forces combined to create a ship broken in half, and a lot of sailors drowned or beached on an island. Also, of particular worry to Moorumah, there are logs floating all over the ocean. The same logs she spent so long carrying back and forth onto the ship, with one long log under each arm.

The captain assigns the trio to look for food, and they promptly return with Moorumah carrying a 'Nana' (banana) tree. As this takes care of only one of the four food groups, the captain sends them out again. This time, they manage to kill a small dinosour, and take it back to the beach.

LITTLE DID THEY KNOW that the Red People (the savage Ugaks) had attacked the beach while they were gone. All the other sailors are gone, as are the nanas! What is a trio of (mostly) semi-aquatic beings to do? They follow the tracks of the Ugaks down the beach in hope of rescuing the other sailors. Along the way they find a small boat but broken on the other side of a reef, and materials to make a sail and other necessary components so that a makeshift boat is feasible. But, then they notice tracks going off into the jungle, and decide to follow.

The tracks end in a huge clearing, with a few scattered Red People surrounding a large pool of red goo. A huge statue of a Giant Monkape looms prominently behind the pool. There are 6 sailors lined up next to the pool, tied up next to a shaman who is directing proceedings.

Azrulektos sneaks around to flank the pool, and effectively neutralizes the shaman, while Moorumah charges into the scene like a charging bull elephant, and Karl fires off his one shot before sitting down to reload for two rounds. Unfortunately the dying shaman pushes one of the prisoners into the pool of red ooze, and a Giant Monkape rises from the ooze. There is a great deal of combat which takes place in slow motion shakey-cam. Azrulektos goes one-on-one (see previous note about hobby) with the Giant Monkape, and ultimately defeats it with a little help from some escaped sailors. The other foes are handily defeated by the trio.

In the end, we get many pieces of eight, as well as 4 experience points each. The DM bribed M.A.H. with the promise of an additional experience point if she would write up a summary of the session's events.

She does so, despite having forgotten all the characters names.

Ding - 1 xp for me!!!!!!!


Each PC each got +4 XP, except Moorumah who got a bonus +1 XP for M.A.H. writing up an actual play report.

(Azrulektos: 4 XP, Karl Kroc: 4 XP, Moorumah: 5 XP.)